Change Comparison shows you the relative price movements of currency pairs in a watchlist.
You can see the extent and direction of the price movement of each currency pair allowing you to quickly and easily compare price strength (or weakness).
Change Comparison allows you to view the following:
You can see the extent and direction of the price movement of each currency pair allowing you to quickly and easily compare price strength (or weakness).
Change Comparison allows you to view the following:
- A list of all the currency pairs that are contained in a watchlist.
- The price changes of each currency pair within the selected time interval.
The example above shows the EUR Pairs watchlist.
There are five columns:
There are five columns:
- Symbol: These are the currency pairs that part of the watchlist.
- Change %: The price movement of each currency pair measured in percentage terms.
- Change: The actual price movement of each currency pair.
- Change (pips): The price movement of each currency pair measured in pips.
- Close Price: The price that a currency pair closed at.
If the Price Stream is set to Real-Time, the Price Movement Comparison table shows the extent and direction of price movement since the beginning of the selected time interval until the current time.
If the Price Stream is set to Last Closed, the Price Movement Comparison table shows the extent and direction of price movement since the beginning of the selected time interval until the most recent closed.
If the Price Stream is set to Last Closed, the Price Movement Comparison table shows the extent and direction of price movement since the beginning of the selected time interval until the most recent closed.